The Mayo Clinic Model of Care is a set of principles that have guided our organization since its earliest days. They are the reason patients come to Mayo. Many health care facilities offer high-quality care, but these are the principles that set Mayo Clinic apart.
The Mayo Clinic Model of Care is defined by high quality, compassionate medical care delivered in a multispecialty, integrated academic institution. The primary focus, meeting the needs of the patient, is accomplished by embracing the following core elements (attributes) as the practice continues to evolve.

Patient Care
- Collegial, cooperative staff teamwork with multispecialty integration. A team of specialists is available and appropriately used.
- An unhurried examination with time to listen to the patient.
- A physician takes personal responsibility for directing patient care over time in a partnership with the local physician.
- Highest-quality patient care provided with compassion and trust.
- Respect for the patient, family and the patient’s local physician.
- Comprehensive evaluation with timely, efficient assessment and treatment.
- Availability of the most advanced, innovative diagnostic and therapeutic technology and techniques.
- Highest-quality staff mentored in the culture of Mayo and valued for their contributions.
- Valued professional allied health staff with a strong work ethic, special expertise and devotion to Mayo Clinic.
- A scholarly environment of research and education.
- Physician leadership.
- Integrated medical record with common support services for all outpatients and inpatients.
- Professional compensation that allows a focus on quality, not quantity.
- Unique professional dress, decorum and facilities.