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In 1910, Dr. William J. Mayo was invited to deliver the commencement speech at Rush Medical College in Chicago. His words on that occasion form the basis of the primary value of Mayo Clinic: The needs of the patient come first.
Produced in the style of a PBS dramatization, this film imagines how Dr. Will developed his speech. With warmth, humor and insight, the film shows how Dr. Will collaborated with his associates and his irascible father, Dr. William Worrall Mayo.
The “vehicle” that tells this story is a special treat – a 1910 Packard touring car, the exact model of automobile that Dr. Will owned!
When you purchase Mayo Clinic newsletters, books and DVDs, proceeds are used to further medical education and research at Mayo Clinic. You not only get the answers to your questions, you become part of the solution.
Length: 21 mins