Department Education

Below you can learn more about the educational achievements and works of past and present staff of the Mayo Clinic Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine.

Master of Science Thesis Prepared by Anesthesiologists Trained at Mayo Clinic (1932-1991)

1932Ralph M. Tovell, M.D.Anesthesia for Gynecologic and Obstetric Procedures
1934John G. Dunlop, M.D.The Fate of Procaine in the Dog
1935Edward B. Tuohy, M.D.A Comparative Study of Physiological Activity of Bobefrin and Epinephrine
1936Charles J. Betlach, M.D.The Effects of Various Anesthetics and Certain Drugs on the Electrocardiogram of the Dog
1936Paul W. Searles, M.D.A Comparative Study of the Effect of Ether Anesthesia and Sodium Amytal Anesthesia on the Concentration of the Blood and the Rectal Temperature and the Effect of Ether Anesthesia on the Coagulation Time of the Blood Plasma
1939Lloyd H. Mousel, M.D.An Experimental Study of Respiratory Stimulants with Particular Reference to Anesthesia
1940Thomas H. Seldon, M.D.The Effect of General Anesthetic Agents on Small Blood Vessels
1940R. Charles Adams, M.D.Intravenous Anesthesia. Chemical, Pharmacologic and Clinical Consideration of the Anesthetic Agents Including the Barbiturates
1940E. Joseph Delmonico, M.D.Observations of the Behavior of Certain Barbiturates
1940Frederic A. Smith, M.D.The Effects of Sodium Amytal, Procaine, Chloral Hydrate, A.C.E. Mixture (Alcohol-Chloroform-Ether Mixture) and Chloroform on a peripheral Vascular System
1941Richard H. Barrett, M.D.

The Effect of Certain Drugs on a Peripheral Vascular System

1942Bruce M. Anderson, M.D.The Identification of Certain Barbiturates and Observations on the Cyclic Disappearance form and Reappearance in the Blood Flowing Injection
1942John W. Pender, M.D.A Comparative Study of Traumatic Shock Under Ether Anesthesia Produced by Certain Barbiturates
1942Charles D. Anderson, M.D.Effects of Certain Premedications on Traumatic Shock Produced in Animals Under Ether Anesthesia
1945Mario P.C. Storni, M.D.Study of the Influence of Epinephrine on Dogs Anesthetized with Cyclopropane
1947Albert Faulconer Jr., M.D.A Study for the Determination of Gas and Ether Vapor Tensions and the Use of These Methods During Semi-open Ether Anesthesia
1947John A. Paulson, M.D.I. A Comparison between Narcosis established by Sodium Ethyl (1-Methyl-Butyl) Thiobarbiturate (Pentobarbital Sodium) alone and combined with D-Tubocurarine Chloride (Curare). II. A Comparison between Narcosis established by Sodium-Ethyl (1-Methyl-Butyl) Thiobarbiturate (Pentothal Sodium) alone and combined with Alpha:Beta Dihydroxy-Gamma-(2-Methylpheonoxy) Propane (Myanesin)
1947Kenneth E. Latterell, M.D.An Investigation of the Arterial Oxygen Saturation in Humans during Spinal analgesia and Intravenous Pentothal Sodium Anesthesia as determined by the Milikan Oximeter and Van Slyke Gasometric Analysis of Arterial Blood
1948John R. Peterson, M.D.The Effect of Certain Vehicles on the Duration of Local Anesthesia with Procaine
1948Roger W. Ridley, M.D.Concentrations of Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide and Ether and their Correlation with Certain Physiologic Variables During Surgical Anesthesia in Man
1949Albert E. Keates, M.D.Clinical Effects of Drugs and Procedures in Anesthesia on Nailford Capillaries
1949James F. Zagaria, M.D.Tolerance to Ether Anesthesia: Effect of Varying Nutritional States
1949Lowell M. Brooks, M.D.Studies on the Distribution and Fate of Pentothal Sodium Following Single Injection
1949Cecil S. Jones, M.D.Arterial Blood Ether Concentrations in Human Subjects During Surgical Anesthesia- Use of the Mass Spectrometer for the Quantitative Determination of Ether Concentrations in Complex Gas Mixtures and in Blood Samples
1949Andrew E. Morrison, M.D.An Evaluation of Replacement Fluids in Laboratory Animals Following Controlled Hemorrhages
1950Raymond F. Courtin, M.D.Electroencephalography During Surgical Anesthesia with Nitrous Oxide, Oxygen, and Ether
1950Anthony N. Fazio, M.D.Factors Influencing the Resistance of Albino Rats to Anoxic Anoxia
1951Donald E. Soltero, M.D.A Clinical Evaluation of Automatic Anesthesia
1951John S. Hattox, M.D.A New Method for the Analysis of Blood Nitrous Oxide and its Application in a Study of Anesthesia with this Agent
1951John E. Osborn, M.D.A Study of Ether Vapor and Oxygen Tension in the Inspired Gas Mixtures during Anesthesia in Man
1951Robert C. Knutson, M.D.Blood Volume Effects of Plasma Volume Expanders on Volemic Substances
1952Robert C. Hunter, M.D.A Study of Alveolar Ventilation and Acid-Base Balance in Patients Under Cyclopropane Anesthesia During Surgery
1952Donald K. Kiersey, M.D.A Clinical Study of Automatic Encephalographic Control of Thiopentone Anesthesia
1952Robert T. Patrick, M.D.The Application of a Mass Spectrometer Method for the Quantitative Determination of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen in Blood to the Study of Certain Aspects of Ventilation and Acid-Base Equilibrium in Patients Undergoing Anesthesia with Ether and with Pentothal-Sodium
1954Serafino Possati, M.D.

A Mass-Spectrometric Method for the Determination of Cyclopropane in Blood. Its Clinical Application in Relation to a Classification of the Electroencephalographic Patterns Occurring During Cyclopropane Anesthesia 

1954Ali Gharib, M.D.Influence of Demerol and Nembutal on Arterial Ether Blood Concentration in Man Undergoing Surgery
1955Grant Fletcher, M.D.Hemodynamic Changes During Ether Anesthesia and Surgery in Man
1955E. Jay Fieldman, M.D.Hemodynamic Studies during Thiopental Sodium and Nitrous Oxide Anesthesia in Humans
1955Harry E. Taylor, M.D.A Comparison of the Effect of Chlorpromazine, Levo-Dromoran Tartrate, Valmid, and no Premedication on the Arterial Blood Ether concentration (EEG Level IV) in Man Undergoing Major Abdominal Surgery
1956Luisita Reyes de Castro, M.D.Encephalography in Dogs During Ether Anesthesia, Correlation of Various Encephalographic Patterns with Ether Concentrations in the Arterial Blood at Normal Body Temperature and at 30 Degrees Centigrade
1958Conrad C. Buck, M.D.A Method Utilizing the Conventional Manometric Apparatus to Determine the Ether Content of Denitrogenated plasma of Patients Under Light Anesthesia
1958Emerson A. Moffitt, M.D.A Comparative Study of Blood Flow, Oxygen Saturation of Mixed Venous Blood, Blood Pressure and Peripheral Vascular Resistance During Whole body Perfusion for Clinical Purposes and During Preoperative Cardiac Catheterization in Man
1959Allan B. Gould, Jr, M.D.A Study of Respiratory Impedance
1960Norbert Schnelle, M.D.Effects of Succinyl-Di-Choline on respiration and Their correlation with Changes of the Electrical Activity in Various Groups of Skeletal Muscle in the Cat
1964Maurice S. Albin, M.D.Selective Cooling of the Spinal Cord Utilizing Subarachnoid Perfusion
1968Joseph M. Messick, Jr., M.D.The Effects of Meperidine and Pentobarbital on Canine Whole Body and Cerebral O2 Consumption Rates
1969Bernard M. Altenburg, M.D.Demonstration of Acute Tolerance to Thiopental Sodium in Canine Cerebral O2 Consumption Rate Studies
1969Sheila M. Muldoon, M.D.The Effects of Succinylcholine and Tubocurare on Canine Whole Body and Skeletal Muscle O2 Consumption Rates
1971Klaus W. Korten, M.D.Kinetic Studies of the Acute Effects of Volatile Anesthetics on the Metabolism of Aniline and Aminopyrine
1976Dieter Ulrich Preiss, M.D., Ph.D.Effects of the H2-Receptor Antagonists (Burimamide and Metiamide) on Gastric Secretion Stimulated by Histamine and Its Methyl Derivatives
1991Edmun G. Carton, M.D.Effects of Nitrous Oxide in Isolated Ventricular Myocardium of the Ferret


Mayo Fellows' Association Teacher of the Year Award Department of Anesthesiology Recipients Mayo Clinic in Rochester

The idea of honoring faculty members with a Teacher of the Year award originated in 1970 with the Internal Medicine Residents’ Education Committee during the chairmanship of Dr. Allan L. Plummer who termed the awards “a long overdue expression of appreciation.” These awards have since been given annually and have expanded to include all departments Enterprise wide and are awarded by the Mayo Fellows’ Association. Nominees are submitted by residents and fellows from the respective departments and are voted on by residents and fellows.

The winning characteristics of Teacher of the Year recipients have always been dedication to resident teaching, going above and beyond regular duties, and serving as a mentor for young physicians in training.

2024Jeffrey Huang, M.D.; Matthew J. Ritter, M.D.
2023Sarah E. Dodd, M.D.; Mark D. Rollins, M.D., Ph.D.
2022Arnoley Abcejo, M.D.; Andrew Chalupka, M.D., M.B.A.
2021Oludare Olatoye, M.D.; Hugh Smith, M.D.
2020Charles R. Sims, III, M.D.; Paul A. Warner, M.D.
2019Lauren K. Licatino, M.D.; Paul A. Warner, M.D.
2018Arnoley S. Abcejo, M.D.; Paul A. Warner, M.D.
2017Jonathan E. Charnin, M.D.; Paul A. Warner, M.D.
2016Shane M. Gillespie, D.O.; Hans P. Sviggum, M.D.
2015Robert C. Chantigian, M.D.; Jeffrey J. Pasternak, M.D., M.S.
2014Jeffrey J. Pasternak, M.D., M.S.; Richard H. Rho, M.D.
2013Robert C. Chantigian, M.D.; Richard H. Rho, M.D.
2012Juan N. Pulido, M.D.; Richard Rho, M.D.
2011Juan N. Pulido, M.D.; Richard H. Rho, M.D.
2010Katherine W. Arendt, M.D.; Hugh M. Smith, M.D., Ph.D.
2009Brian P. McGlinch, M.D.; Hugh M. Smith, M.D., Ph.D.
2008Martin D. Abel, M.D.; Brain P. McGlinch, M.D.
2007David Cook, M.D.; Brian McGlinch, M.D.
2006Jeffrey J. Pasternak, M.D., M.S.; Richard H. Rho, M.D.
2005Christopher M. Burkle, M.D., J.D.; Richard H. Rho, M.D.
2004Carlos B. Mantilla, M.D., Ph.D.
2003Timothy R. Long, M.D.
2002Daniel L. Brown, M.D., Ph.D.
2001Daniel L. Brown, M.D., Ph.D.
2000Robert E. Grady, M.D.
1999C. Thomas Wass, M.D.
1998Robert C. Chantigian, M.D.
1997C. Thomas Wass, M.D.
1996Denise J. Wedel, M.D.
1995Lee A. Nauss, M.D.
1994Gary Vasdev, M.D.
1993Kevin P. Ronan, M.D.
1992Kevin P. Ronan, M.D.
1991David L. Brown, M.D.
1990Robert C. Chantigian, M.D.
1989Leslie Newberg Milde, M.D.
1988Joseph M. Messick Jr., M.D.
1987Deborah A. Wilkowski, M.D.
1986Rungson Sittipong, M.D.
1985Josef K. Wang, M.D.
1984Matthew Crawford, M.D.
1983Mark W. Martinson, M.D.
1982Frokje M. Beynen, M.D.
1981Ronald A. MacKenzie, D.O.
1980James G. Poston, M.D.
1979Lee A. Nauss, M.D.
1978Ronald A. MacKenzie, D.O.
1977Rick S. Schwettmann, M.D.
1976Gerald Gronert, M.D.
1975John H. Tinker, M.D.
1974Rungson Sittipong, M.D.
1973Brian Dawson, M.D.
1972Sheila Muldoon, M.D.

Mayo Fellows' Association Teacher of the Year Award Hall of Fame Educators Department of Anesthesiology Recipients

The Mayo Fellows’ Association Teacher of the Year Hall of Fame was created in 1986 to recognize those who have received the Teacher of the Year award on at least four occasions.

Years WonRecipients
1990, 1998, 2013, 2015Robert C. Chantigian, M.D.
2007, 2008, 2009Brian P. McGlinch, M.D.
2006, 2014, 2015Jeffrey J. Pasternak, M.D.
2005, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014Richard H. Rho, M.D.
2017, 2018, 2019, 2020Paul A. Warner, M.D.

Mayo Fellows' Association Educator of the Year and Enterprise Teacher of the Year Award Department of Anesthesiology Recipients Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Each year the Residents and Fellows’ Association calls upon all residents and fellows to submit nominations for the Educator of the Year Awards in five categories. Faculty are nominated based on their scholarly activity, high academic standards and dedication to teaching.

2022-2023Patrick B. Bolton, M.D.

Mayo Fellows' Association Educator of the Year and Enterprise Teacher of the Year Award Department of Anesthesiology Recipients Mayo Clinic in Florida

Each year the Residents and Fellows’ Association calls upon all residents and fellows to submit nominations for the Educator of the Year Awards in five categories. Faculty are nominated based on their scholarly activity, high academic standards and dedication to teaching.

2024Nathan Waldron, M.D.
2022-2023Patrick B. Bolton, M.D.