Department Timeline

The timeline below focuses on important events of the history of the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine. Many of the events focus on the changes in the department and its staff. Other dates and events that are listed focus on Mayo Clinic’s history and developments in the field of anesthesiology. This timeline starts in 1883 and continues until the department’s centennial in April of 2024.

1883, August 21
Tornado Strikes

A devastating tornado strikes Rochester, Minnesota, leaving widespread destruction and hundreds wounded.

pictured: Debris from Cyclone [tornado] of 1883.

Edith Graham Mayo

Edith Graham Mayo returns to Rochester and takes over as nurse anesthetist for Dr. William W. Mayo, which begins the trend of nurses whose sole clinical responsibility was to administer anesthetics.

pictured: Edith Graham Mayo in nursing school, 1887.

1889, September 30
Saint Marys Opens

Saint Marys Hospital opens its doors in Rochester, MN.

pictured: Drawing of first hospital building, circa 1880.

Alice Magaw

Alice Magaw becomes the nurse anesthetist for Dr. William J. Mayo and Dr. Charlie H. Mayo.

pictured: Alice Magaw, undated.

Dr. Isabella Herb

Dr. Isabella Coler Herb is hired to give anesthetics for Dr. Charlie H. Mayo and to fulfill a need for a tissue pathologist.

pictured: Isabella Herb, undated.

Mayo Clinic Opens

Mayo Clinic in Rochester “officially” opens its doors.

pictured: 1914 Building with cars and people in front, 1924.

1920, September
Dr. Gaston Labat

Dr. Louis Gaston Labat arrives at Mayo Clinic and the Section on Regional Anesthesia was “founded”.

pictured: Louis Gaston Labat, M.D., undated.

1921, June 21
Dr. William Meeker

Dr. William R. Meeker becomes the new Head of the Section on Regional Anesthesia.

pictured: William R. Meeker, M.D., undated.

1924, February 4
Meeting Dr. Lundy

Dr. William J. Mayo meets Dr. John S. Lundy at a King County Medical Society Banquet in Seattle.

pictured: John S. Lundy, M.D., circa 1930s.

1924, April 1
Lundy Joins Mayo Clinic

Dr. Lundy begins his work as the newly appointed Head of the Section on Regional Anesthesia

pictured: Aerial view of campus from south, Franklin Station and Plummer Building, circa 1930.

Balanced Anesthesia

Dr. Lundy introduces the term “balanced anesthesia”.

pictured: Tray of equipment used by anesthesiologists, circa 1930s.

1929, December 16 - 19
Anaesthetists’ Travel Club

The Anaesthetists’ Travel Club is founded by Dr. Lundy and holds its inaugural meeting.

pictured: Original members of the Anesthetists’ Travel Club, 1929.

Section Renamed

The section is renamed the “Section on Anesthesia”.

pictured: Aerial view of campus from the east, 1931.

Ventilation Innovation

Dr. Lundy develops a prototype for mechanical ventilation of the lungs of anesthetized subjects.

pictured: Mechanical Ventilation Monitor. circa 2020s.

Section Renamed, Again

The section is renamed the “Section on Anesthesia and Intravenous Medication”.

pictured: Aerial view of Saint Marys Hospital from the south, circa 1930.

Renamed, Once More

The section is renamed the “Section on Anesthesia and Intravenous Therapy”.

pictured: Aerial view from the west of the Kahler Hotel and Plummer Building, circa 1930.

New Intravenous Agent

Dr. Lundy proposes that the sodium pentothal is safe and the intravenous anesthetic agent of choice.

pictured: Pentothal Sodium, undated.

Storage Innovations

Dr. Lundy and his colleagues discover that anticoagulated blood could be stored to cool it.

pictured: The Blood bank team preparing to move at Saint Mary's Hospital. Pictured are Harriet Cronk, Noreen Robins, Dr. John S. Lundy, Dr. Albert Faulconer Jr., and Helene Romness, 1951.

Anesthesia Abstracts

Anesthesia Abstracts begins being published by Florence McQuillen and Dr. Lundy.

pictured: A stack of bound Anesthesia Abstracts that were donated to the Mayo Clinic Archives, 2023.

ABA Incorporated

American Board of Anesthesiology is incorporated as a sub-board of the American Board of Surgery.

pictured: American Board of Anesthesiology logo, undated.

AMA Approves Section

The American Medical Association approves that a Section on Anesthesia is to be formed.

pictured: American Medical Association logo, undated.

1940, July
Journal Published

The first volume of Anesthesiology is published.

pictured: The cover of the first volume of the Anesthesiology the Journal of the American Society of Anesthetists, Inc., 1940.

Board Independence

The American Board of Anesthesiology is approved as an independent primary board from the American Board of Surgery.

pictured: The American Board of Anesthesiology logo, undated.

Postgraduate Expansion

Mayo Clinic begins offering anesthesiology post graduate short courses to assist in World War II.

pictured: Mayo Clinic branch in the Guadalcanal, undated.

Textbook Publication

Dr. Lundy publishes the textbook Clinical Anesthesia.

pictured: John S. Lundy, M.D., circa 1950s.

Section Renamed

The section is renamed the “Section on Anesthesiology and Intravenous Therapy”.

pictured: Mayo Clinic Section of Anesthesiology, 1947.

Needle Modernization

Dr. David J. Massa publishes a paper describing the construction of the first modern plastic needle.

pictured: David J. Massa, M.D., undated. 

Dr. Richard Adams

Dr. Richard Charles Adams is appointed as the new head of the section.

pictured: Charles R. Adams, M.D., undated.

1952, December 15
Travel Club Final Meeting

The last meeting of the Anaesthetists’ Travel Club is held in Rochester, Minnesota.

pictured: Anaesthetists’ Travel Club Final Dinner at the Kahler Hotel, December 15, 1952.

Dr. Faulconer Appointed

Dr. Albert Faulconer Jr. is appointed as the new head of the section.

pictured: Albert Faulconer, M.D., undated. 

1954, October 21-22
Travel Club Reorg

The Anaesthetists’ Travel Club is reorganized as the Academy of Anesthesiology, and the first meeting is held in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mayo-Gibbon Machine

First clinical trial of the Mayo-Gibbon vertical screen heart-lung machine.

pictured: Heart-Lung bypass machine, 1955.

Section Renamed

The section is renamed the “Section on Anesthesiology”.

pictured: Aerial view of Saint Marys Hospital campus, 1961.

Mayo Clinic Centennial

Mayo Clinic celebrates its Centennial Anniversary.

pictured: The Mayo Centennial Year 1964 Seal. 

NAEC Formed

The Nurse Anesthesia Education Committee is formed.

pictured: Nurse Anesthetists pin, 1982.

Dr. Virginia Hartridge

Dr. Virginia B. Hartridge became the director of the nurse anesthesia program.

pictured: Virginia B. Hartridge, M.D., undated.

Dr. Kai Rehder

Dr. Kai Rehder joins the ICU at Saint Marys Hospital.

pictured: Kai Rehder, M.D., undated.


Neuroanesthesia article is published which led to Mayo Clinic being recognized as the birthplace of the subspeciality of Neuroanesthesia.

pictured: View of neurosurgery operation. circa 1960s.

Department Formation

The section becomes a department, along with the rest of the sections in medicine and surgery at Mayo Clinic.

pictured: Residents from the Department of Anesthesiology. 1977

Robert R. Johnson

Robert Johnson, CRNA, is appointed the first program director of the nurse anesthesia program.

pictured: Robert Johnson, CRNA, undated.

Dr. Richard Theye

Dr. Richard A. Theye becomes the new chair of the department and helps establish a section of respiratory intensive care within the department.

pictured: Richard A. Theye, M.D., undated.

Intensive Care Expansion

First year of the respiratory intensive care section.

pictured: Intensive care unit at Saint Marys, 1975.

Inhalational Therapy School

Inhalational Therapy School opens.

pictured: Inhalation therapists, undated.

1st RT Graduates

The first class of respiratory therapists graduate from their clinical training at Mayo Clinic.

pictured: Respiratory Therapy Class of 1981, 1981. 

Pain Clinic

The Department of Anesthesiology at Mayo Clinic establishes the pain clinic.

pictured: Simulator for ultrasound education that is commonly used in pain clinics, 2011.


Inhalational Therapy and Respiratory Care School receives initial accreditation from the American Medical Association Council and Joint Review Committee for Respiratory Therapy Education.

pictured: Respiratory care program at Saint Marys Hospital, 1984.

Dr. Alan Sessler

Dr. Alan Sessler becomes the new chair of the department.

pictured: Alan D. Sessler, M.D., undated.

Critical Care Service

Departments of Internal Medicine and Anesthesiology jointly form and conduct a critical care service (CCS).

pictured: Dr. Peter Southorn administering critical care service, circa 1980s.

New Division Formed

Division of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology is formed at Saint Marys Hospital.

pictured: Cardiovascular anesthesia equipment at Saint Marys Hospital, circa 1983.

Jacksonville Campus

Mayo Clinic opens a clinic in Jacksonville, Florida.

pictured: Aerial view of Mayo Clinic’s Jacksonville campus and the Davis Building, 1986.

Scottsdale Campus

Mayo Clinic opens a clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona.

pictured: Aerial view of Mayo Clinic’s Scottsdale campus, 1987.

Dr. Roy Cucchiara

Dr. Roy F. Cucchiara becomes the new chair of the department.

pictured: Roy F. Cucchiara, M.D., undated.

Acute Pain Service

The Department of Anesthesiology is permitted to establish an acute pain service.

pictured: Anesthesia medical equipment and stickers for medicines, 2007.

Dr. Duane Rorie

Dr. Duane K. Rorie becomes the new chair of the Department of Anesthesiology.

pictured: Duane K. Rorie, M.D., undated.

New Division Formed

The Acute Pain Service and Pain Clinic are combined to form the Division of Pain Services.

pictured: Anesthesiologist manages airway of a patient beneath a C-Arm machine, 2022.

Dr. Mark Warner

Dr. Mark Warner becomes the new chair of the department.

pictured: Mark A. Warner, M.D., 2023.

Dr. Bradly Narr

Dr. Bradly J. Narr becomes the new chair of the department.

pictured: Bradly J. Narr, M.D., 2015.

Dr. Carlos Mantilla

Dr. Carlos B. Mantilla becomes the new chair of the department.

pictured: Carlos B. Mantilla, M.D., Ph.D., 2021.

2024, April 1
Department Centennial

Centennial of the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine.

pictured: Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Consultants Rochester, 2024.