Below are various publications that focus on the field of anesthesiology, the history of the department, and its impacts within the field. Many of these publications have been featured in the Centennial Celebration weekly email updates sent out to the staff and alumni to celebrate the centennial of the department in April of 2024. These emails will be distributed from September of 2023 to April of 2025.
Centennial Celebration #1. - September 7, 2023
“Alice Magaw (Kessel): Her Life in and out of the Operating Room” by Jeffery E. Nelson, CRNA, MNA; Steve F. Wilstead, CRNA, MNA. AANA Journal. February 2009
“Developing a Speciality: J.S. Lundy’s Three Major Contributions to Anesthesiology” by Terry A. Ellis II M.D.; Bradly J. Narr M.D.; Douglas R. Bacon M.D., M.A. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. Volume 16, Issue 3, May 2004. Pages 226-229.
Centennial Celebration #3. - September 21, 2023
“The Mayo Clinic World War II Short Courses and Its Effect on Anesthesiology” David P. Martin, M.D.,Ph.D.; Christopher M. Burkle, M.D.; Brian P McGlincj, M.D.; Mary E. Warner, M.D.; Alan D. Sessler, M.D.; Douglas R. Bacon, M.D., M.A. Anesthesiology. Volume 105, 209-213, July 2006.