In 2025, from April 25th to April 27th, the annual meeting of the Anesthesia History Association (AHA) will be held in Rochester, Minnesota at Mayo Clinic. It will be co-hosted by Mayo Clinic’s Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine and the History of Anesthesia Society.
During the First International Symposium of Modern Anesthesia History in Rotterdam in 1982, a group of members of the American Society Anesthesiologists (ASA) who were in attendance discussed the organization of an anesthesia history society in the United States. Later that year a larger group of ASA members met and by January 1983, the name “Anesthesia History Association” was agreed upon. The “Inaugural Meeting” of the AHA was then held on October 9, 1983. Their annual meeting occurs in the spring. The History of Anaesthesia Society was founded in 1986. The purpose of the Society is to promote the study of the history of anaesthesia and related disciplines. Their annual conference is held each fall.
Here you can view the program for the AHA 2025 Annual Meeting which lists:
- Meeting schedule.
- Speaker biographies.
- Registration fees.
- Hotel accommodations.
- Driving directions.
Meeting and Hotel Registration Information
To complete your meeting attendance registration, please click HERE to complete you registration form.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Rochester Marriott Mayo Clinic until Thursday, March 27, 2025. Reservations must be made directly with the Hotel Reservation Department to receive a special single or double room rate of $199, plus tax. Please identify yourself as being with the Anesthesia History Association. Please note hotel reservations MUST be made by Thursday, March 27, 2025.
Call: 1 (800) 228-9290 Guest will need to ask for Marriott Reservations.
Code: Anesthesia History Association or click HERE to make your hotel reservations directly.
Call for Abstracts
The 2025 Anesthesia History Association Annual Meeting will be held at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota on April 25, 26 and 27, 2025. The meeting invites abstracts that relate in some manner to historical aspects of anesthesia and anesthesiology including critical care and pain management. Abstracts that are accepted will be presented in twenty-to twenty-five minutes, with five-to-ten minutes for questions immediately following the presentation.
All are welcome and encouraged to submit abstracts. Individuals may submit more than one abstract if they wish. However, only one abstract will be selected per individual. Accepted abstracts will be distributed to meeting registrants and posted on the AHA website and the Mayo Clinic Anesthesiology History webpage.
Abstracts should be composed in Microsoft Word and submitted as an electronic file that fits on a single page with one-inch margins when printed. All text should be in Calibri as is this document. The abstract should be constructed with the title centered at the top of the page in 18 point bold followed by author information aligned at the left margin in 12 point bold including author name, degree, contact information and institutional affiliation (if any). The body of the abstract should be in 12 point regular. Content should be structured to aid the reader in understanding the abstract material. This might include sections such as background, aim, resources, methodology, results, conclusions and references. Images, tables and graphs may be included but must be in black and white and fit within the page margins. References should be at the end of the abstract in 10 point regular.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically directly to Douglas R. Bacon, M.D., M.A., Meeting Program Director, at The submission must include:
- A Microsoft Word file containing abstract content. The file name should include the first author’s last name, followed by first name, followed by brief descriptor. For example, “Bacon Doug American Association of Anesthestists.docx”
- An abbreviated curriculum vitae, a single page that includes identification, degrees and institution, and academic affiliation is sufficient, and will be used to introduce the speaker.
- Any known or potential conflicts of interest or a statement that the submitters have no known conflicts of interest should accompany the submission on a separate page.
The abstract deadline is March 17, 2025. Abstracts will be reviewed for acceptance on a rolling basis. Individuals submitting abstracts will be notified of the decision on abstract acceptance soon after the decision is made.
All related questions should be addressed to Dr. Bacon.