
Below you can watch presentations by current and past department staff members. Many of these presentations focus on the history of the department, and the impacts that the department and its members have had on the field of anesthesiology. These presentations were done for the History of Medicine Society Lectures.

History of Medicine Society Lectures

The Mayo Clinic Department of Anesthesiology Centennial: Innovations That Have Advanced the Specialty and Medicine in General

by Mark Warner, M.D., April 9, 2024.

Almost a Century Ago: Did Carnations Lead to the Creation of the Mayo Clinic Department of Anesthesiology and Perhaps the Specialty of Anesthesiology?

by Douglas R. Bacon, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.A., September 26, 2023.

Creating American Anesthesiology: John Lundy’s Mission?

by Douglas R. Bacon, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.A., May 18, 2011.

Post-Operative Nausea and Vomiting: The Development of Anesthesia as a Surgical Specialty

by Hugh M. Smith, M.D., Ph.D., April 17, 2006.

Medical Ethics at the End of Life: What do Pope Pius XII and John Lundy, Mayo anesthesiologist have in common?

by David P. Martin, M.D., Ph.D., January 25, 2006.