Highlighted Department Members

During the centennial year of Mayo Clinic’s Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Dr. Mark Warner has been writing weekly updates that contain brief descriptions of articles or vignettes that highlight the department’s development, remarkable personnel across the spectrum of the department (e.g., respiratory therapists, nurse anesthetists, anesthesiologists, scientists, and administrators), and contributions to the specialty’s advances and recognition. Within these updates, an Anesthesia History Mystery Photo contest has been occurring. Each week, Dr. Warner provides a photograph of a past or current member of the department. Readers can then guess who the individual is and be placed in a drawing for a Starbucks gift card. The following week, Dr. Warner announces the winner and gives a brief bio on the past week’s mystery individual. These individuals are usually chosen because their past or previous studies/work relate to the topic of the update. Below you can read the bios of these individuals and learn of their impacts at Mayo Clinic.